Men's Corn Hole Tournament

A highlight of our year is our Annual Corn Hole Tournament!

Men's Game Night!

A fun time was had by all at our Men’s Game Night!!

AFC’s “Ministry to Men” Mission Statement:

At AFC “Men” are Important and we care about you. Our three core objectives are to; Support Dr. Joe and help him minister to hurting men, develop enough leaders that they can take a personal interest in every man in the Church, and have ministry opportunities that will help disciple men to become the Man God made them to be.

Making disciples is about taking men and helping them become mature, passionate followers of Jesus. We encourage men to have a “Paul” and a “Timothy” in their lives. And support older men coming along side younger men and bridge the generational gap of today. With social media, Men have never been more connected and at the same time the loneliest and isolated.

This journey of making disciples can be represented by a continuum. There are five distinct types of men in today’s Church that are part of this continuum, Men that need Christ, Cultural Christians, Biblical Christians, Leaders, and Hurting Men. Our “Ministry to Men” tries to help men at every stage of their journey. We call this concept the Wide & Deep Continuum.

Every man in our church can be placed somewhere on this continuum, and that determines the offerings that will appeal to him. We try to balance our events & activities to meet all our men’s needs on this continuum. As a man matures in his faith, he will move farther down the continuum and be interested in different things.

AFC strives to create value, capture momentum, and sustain change for our “Ministry to Men.” Creating excitement and momentum also needs an important next step. Once men get involved, we strive to have something next for them to become active in. Our Events and Activities are designed to help and give men an on-ramp to become active at AFC.

Be a part of the “Ministry to men” of AFC. Be watching and get signed up for our next Event or Classroom offerings.

Proverbs 27:17 – Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.


Come enjoy breakfast each month and join in fellowship with other men!


The “Date Your Mate” Group is for couples in their second half of life and still going strong. A time for Men to honor our wives and spend time with other couples to get to know & support each other through fellowship and dining out.

Each month the week before the date night, you will go online to the AFC Men’s webpage and sign up or text/call Jane or Laraine that you plan to attend. When larger groups attend, we will need to make reservations beforehand.

Meeting time will be 4:00pm each Saturday at the restaurant. We encourage couples to ride together each month.

We are looking forward to a great year of fellowship, food, and fun.

Leaders & Organizers:

  • Ken & Jane Pierson
  • Mike & Laraine Cooper

(Any questions contact Jane Pierson – 765-215-8067 or Laraine Cooper – 765-632-8331)