The AFCNAZYTH is for any 6th through 12th grade student.
We believe that worship should be fun, engaging, and relational. We believe that worship is the posture of our hearts to live out our relationship with God and seek to worship God in every area of our lives. Each time we gather play games, worship together, interact with God’s Word, and dive deep in small groups.
We are excited to see how students are growing in their relationship with God, each other, and their community. We believe that there is no Junior Jesus and that students are the church of right now. We invite you to come hang out with us, grow together, and reach our community!
2024 is here!  We host midweek youth gatherings nearly every  Wednesday throughout the semester @ 6:15 PM.  This is a time of fellowship, activities, worship, and connection!
Stay in the loop with the AFCNAZYTH
Sign up to receive a weekly newsletter from Pastor Joey with information, encouragement, and ways to connect with your teens!
For more info contact
Joey Claus
Pastor to Students & Young Adults