Nazarene Missions International (NMI)
The purpose of NMI shall be to mobilize the Church of the Nazarene in missions through:
- praying
- giving
- educating, and
- engaging children and youth
NMI is a direct line for missions in the local church and has often been described as “the face of mission in the local church.” In every sense of the word, NMI is the denomination’s organizational representative, dedicated to the cause of world evangelization. While other departments also support missions, it is the distinctive task of NMI to bring each mission area into the local church in such a vital way that every Nazarene will be glad to be a part of global outreach, spreading the good news of full salvation (holiness) to the ends of the earth. NMI provides the infrastructure, the spiritual dynamic vehicle, whereby the local church is mobilized in mission.
Group Project for Missions!
Crisis Care Kits are made by Nazarene volunteers and are a tangible way that people can get involved in the disaster response process. Thousands of Crisis Care Kits are made, stored, and distributed globally each year as needs inevitably arise around the world.
At Anderson First Church, our Missions Council and Youth teamed up to do a group project! Our youth packaged up all of the Crisis Care Kits for AFC this year! Thank you, Pastor Joey and AFC Youth!
Most of the items were donated through our Ezra’s Essentials ministry and the AFC family took care of the rest! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!
Annual opportunities for you to make a difference:
Each year AFC responds to the need both locally and around the world!
Crisis Care Kits are packaged and are sent to areas hit by disasters. This could be hurricane, tornado, flooding and more. Whatever the need, the Nazarene Church is ready to respond immediately! By collecting each year, we remain proactive in having supplies ready.
Do your part in making sure students around the world have the supplies they need to succeed. School Pal Paks provide supplies to Nazarene schools all over the world.
Watch for information from your local NMI Council for dates of collection and find shopping lists below:

Alabaster Offering
What is Alabaster Offering?
The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to “put down roots.”
Alabaster funds are to be used for new churches to:
• Purchase a property or church building
• Purchase or build a church parsonage
• Build a church building
• Conversion of a property into a church gathering space
• Meet initial costs for renting a church meeting space for a limited period
Alabaster funds may also be used to:
• Purchase or build missionary homes
• Purchase or build regional or field missions facilities
• Build or repurpose buildings on Bible college campuses
At Anderson First Church, we encourage you to save your coins all year long and bring them in for Alabaster Offering. Need a Alabaster box to store your coins? Please see Linda Ellis (NMI President), any pastor or contact the church office.

Our Missionaries
Anderson First Church supports the following missionaries through generous Faith Promise giving:
Salil + Sarah; Nathaniel, Emmanuel: India
Abby Cabello: Dominican Republic

Salil + Sarah; Nathaniel, Emmanuel: India

Abby Cabello: Dominican Republic
Get Involved
Your Local NMI Team

- Linda Ellis, President
- Lindsey Kardatzke, Vice President
- Dianna Stankiewicz, Secretary
- Dr. Joseph Dagostino III, Lead Pastor
Council Members
Lance Cole, Emily Cole, Marilyn Creel, Tom Shell, Carolyn Shell, Rebecca Storey and Keri Kardatzke